Tuesday 2 July 2013

Meeting Mandela

I have never met Nelson Mandela before, hard as I have tried, but these pictures are part of what I consider my consolation. Over the years, I have experienced pieces of Madiba through his autobiog Long Walk To Freedom, visits to Robben Island and his house in Orlando West, saying hello to his statues in Johannesburg, Cape Town and London, and several other ways I did not capture on camera. I have also experienced him through his enduring spirit which has transcended more than just geographical boundaries. Indeed God was showing off when he made Madiba.

                                                      Southbank Centre, London
                                                    Mandela House, Soweto

                                                   Mandela's cell, Robben Island
                                                               Robben Island
                                                                       Robben Island
                                                                     Robben Island
                                                        Parliament Square, Westminister

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